July 2012
5 posts

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The last dancing bears in Bulgaria
I recently discovered Albin Biblom’s seven and a half inch by ten inch pamphlet photobook released by Biblom Press, which documents of the last dancing bears in Bulgaria and their owners.
The Roma tradition of dancing bears, which been passed down through generations is coming to end as animal rights organizations have built a bear reserve where these dancing bears will live out the...

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Marget Long’s Flash + Cube (1965-1975)
Flash + Cube (1965-1975) is the culmination of three years Marget Long’s research surrounding the Sylvania flashcube in book form. The Sylvania Flashcube is a flash photography devise that was in production from 1965 to 1975.
Long’s seven by nine inch, one hundred and sixty page, softcover book tells the story of this space-age device and the culture that produced it, through a...

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Wanderlust Presents: Heidi De Gier
Hello Heidi De Gier,
Dutch Photographer Heidi De Gier has the urge to record things that are in danger of disappearing.
From the series A Falling Horizon, 2011
Her series, and accompanied publication, A Falling Horizon, follows a small island farming community as they’re forced to move due to environmental rezoning. The island of Sophiapolder will soon disappear, the levee breached, and a...

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Ryan McGinley: Whistle for the Wind
Rizzoli has published Ryan McGinley: Whistle for the Wind, a brawny eight x nine inch, 240 page, hardcover retrospective of the photographer’s work. Going through the comprehensive collection of McGinley’s work to date, complete with contributions by Chris Kraus, John Kelsey and Gus Van Sant, it was hard not to draw parallel’s between the fantastical quality of the images and the artist’s...

June 2012
10 posts

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Packages, and Notes via Mail.
I love these packages as much as the books that came inside of them!
Paula McCartney via Minnesota. Enclosed: On Thin Ice.
Colpa Press, Luca Antonucci and Carissa Potter via San Francisco. Enclosed: Artists Books, Zines, Totes, Cards, Prints and other Awesomeness.
We are awaiting a few more packages, will post as they come. And if you are around the New York area next weekend, drop by...

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This week I discovered Michael Schmidt’s newest publication, Lebensmittel, which examines the industrialized food industry in Europe through a series of 174 black & white and color photographic illustrations.
Schmidt style is part Lewis Hine and part Lewis Baltz, rendering socially critical images, from an essential, visually balanced view.
The 12½x11¾”, clothbound, embossed and...

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Wanderlust Presents: Shane Lavalette
Hello Shane Lavalette,
A southerner talks music. - Mark Twain
Will with Banjo, from Picturing the South
In 2010, the Atlanta High Museum of Art, commissioned photographer Shane Lavalette to contribute to their Picturing the South series. Growing up in Vermont, Shane’s personal appreciation of the region came from the harmonic poetics of blues, gospel, and jazz. “Moved by the themes...

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The Photograph Commands Indifference
The Photograph Commands Indifference by Nicholas Muellner
This week I picked up a tiny book with a minimal cover and a title that demanded my attention, The Photograph Commands Indifference by Nicholas Muellner.
The Stanley Milgram Experiment
Upon reading its title, I was oddly reminded the Stanley Milgram Experiment. The experiment was created to address the arguments of many people on...

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Wanderlust Presents: Inka and Niclas
Hello Inka and Niclas,
Cohorts in both life and art, the Swedish photographers Inka and Niclas have spent the past four years creating an enigmatic world of visual wonderment. Working as a unified force, they’ve drawn inspiration from a multitude of adventure and experiential practice.
Saga V, 2009
Whether living in small house on Mt Kilimanjaro for three months, or chasing the midnight...

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THIS FRIDAY, JUNE 8TH, 2012 FROM 6:00 - 8:00PM
DASHWOOD BOOKS 33 Bond Street New York, New York
In her serene interpretation of Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea, Joy Drury Cox offers a fresh understanding of time and language. By simplifying this quintessentially American tome to its most basic construction,...

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ARC Magazine
ARC Magazine has just published its 5th issue. ARC is a non-profit, independent bi-annual periodical launched in January of 201 by wunderkind Holly Bynoe to offer a platform for photographers and other visual artists and writers engaged in contemporary practices occurring in the Caribbean and throughout its diaspora.
Rob Perrée’s interview with Charl Landvreugd, “Don’t Talk Black, Do Black”, ...
May 2012
8 posts

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Pinky Promise
Pinky Promise is a visually and emotionally complex publication by South African photographer Pierre Crocquet that explores childhood sexual abuse. The work including the stories of five victims and three abusers told through Crocquets black-and-white portraits, text and reproductions of ephemera including images from family albums, letters, drawings and legal documents that the subjects shared...

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Wanderlust Presents: Chris Engman
Hello Chris Engman,
We only ever get to experience one instant of time at a time. The future doesn’t exist yet, the past no longer exists, and the present is fleeting and intangible. For the past there is only memory, and photographs provide fixed images for memory.
The Meeting, 2004 archival inkjet print
Although recently featured by the wonderful Elizabeth Bick here on the Conveyor...

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Sarah Simons. No One May Ever Have The Same Knowledge Again: Letters to Mount Wilson Observatory 1915-1935. CA: Museum of Jurassic Technology, 1994.
A Letter from Mrs. Alice Williams to the Mount Wilson Observatory
Tuesday July 7th
Dr. Edison Petit Dr. Seth B. Nicholson
Dear Gentlemen,
Some weeks ago I wrote you a letter. Not yet having heard from you I was wondering if you...

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Wanderlust Presents: Akihiko Miyoshi
Hello Akihiko Miyoshi,
Exploring the intersection between art and technology, Akihiko’s images reveal the conventions of perception and representation through self constructed glitches in analog photography.
22211a 2012, from the series Abstract Photography
With a background in computer engineering, Akihiko approaches image making with a unique perspective, placing emphasis on the...

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The Situationist Times
Boo-Hooray has produced a complete facsimile of The Situationist Times, Jacqueline De Jong’s self published periodical, to coincide with the 50th anniversary of its inaugural issue. The six original issues are reprinted in an edition of 900, bound individually and enclosed in a silk-screened slipcase. And the set also includes the never before released seventh issue and ephemera and...

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Daido Moriyama's COLOR
Last night the International Center of Photography Bookstore was packed with folks eager to meet Daidō Moriyama and have their special edition of COLOR signed.
COLOR was published to commemorate Moriyama’s receipt of ICP’s 2012 Infinity Award for Lifetime Achievement this week. It measuring 10 x 7”, has 312 pages filled with Moriyama’s recent color images (a departure from his high...
April 2012
17 posts

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Wanderlust Presents: Heidi Norton
Hello Heidi Norton,
Blending the lines of photography, installation, and sculpture, Heidi Norton’s methodology for image making is in a constant state of organic flux. Integrating live plants, wax, wood, and other objects, her process is informed by the questions and conundrums of Modernism. In particular, is Heidi’s own visual investigation into notions of idyllic beauty and how to...

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Leif Huron's The Valley at Tribeca Film Festival
Leif Huron, whose work has graced the pages and walls of several Conveyor Arts productions, is screening his short film The Valley in the Journeys Across Cultural Landscapes program of this year’s Tribeca Film Festival.
Huron’s 10-minute gem examines an instability between wild and domestic space. It plays on the tension between search and enclosure, territory and flight, the...

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California über Alles / October Surprise
The 80*81 Book Collection is an 11-volume guide to the period between 1980-1981 told through a barrage of interviews, documents and photos. The second volume, California über Alles / October Surprise, by Christopher Roth and Georg Diez, is made up of two companion books bound together, like John Gossage’s The Thirty-Two Inch Ruler / Map of Babylon, so that neither book clearly comes...

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Wanderlust Presents: Thomas Jackson
Hello Thomas Jackson,
Each October we use to all gather for the migratory anomaly of the Chimney Swifts. Just before sunset, several thousand of swifts would suddenly flood the sky. Pulsing in waves of shifting patterns, the seemingly choreographed display would end with a spiral plunge down an old brick chimney to roost till dawn.
Thomas Jackson’s series Emergent Behavior illustrates, yet...

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This week I reread Erica Baum’s rereading, Dod Ear.
Dog Ear, Erica Baum, New York : Ugly Duckling Press
When you saves their place in a book by folding back the corner of a single page, that book becomes dog-eared; A dog-ear creates a square at the top right corner of a book, the page folded down with text running vertically and the newly visible page behind it with text running...

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MEGAWORDS at the Philadelphia Museum of Art
If you happen to be in Philadelphia this weekend stop by the Megawords Pop Up Book & Zine shop, organized alongside the Zoe Strauss exhibition.
via the Philadelphia Museum of Art Website.
“The artist duo Megawords (Dan Murphy, American, born 1976; and Anthony Smyrski, American, born 1980) creates installations that are equal parts gathering space, event venue, artist...

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Wanderlust Presents: Evgenia Arbugaeva
Hello Evgenia Arbugaeva,
“Once upon a time in Siberia, on the shores of the Arctic Ocean, in a warm bed in a small town, a little girl woke up from a dream. It was morning, but it was still dark out, for the little town was so far North that the sun would not show itself for many months. They called this the Polar Night.”
Tiksi, 2011
Growing up on Siberia’s Arctic coastline,...

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Image Unavailable
On assignment, Simon Roberts met Priscilla Dzengwe, a rape victim and AIDs patient dying in a clinic in Zimbabwe. During their talk, a group of her friends arrived and began singing. “The girls, including Priscilla, began to cry as they sang. For the first time in my career”, writes Roberts, “I felt physically unable to take a photograph.”
Photographs Not Taken is an...

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Wanderlust Presents: Laura Plageman
Hello Laura Plageman,
There is a precious physicality to the photographs Laura Plageman constructs. Wavering between image and object, her recent series Response, engages the sculptural materiality of image-making.
Trees and Fog, California 2011 from the series Response
Starting with the photographic print, Laura folds, bends, and creases the image into a sculptural metamorphosis of subtle...

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Books Make Friends
Last Friday, Padraig Timoney’s book, the tenth and final issue in the project, Decathlon Books, was released at Printed Matter. It and all of the previous issues are available individually and in a limited-edition box set. Each box set also includes a stamped and numbered certificate, a mimeograph print by Padraig Timoney, and a poster by Misha Hollenbach.
Decathlon Books is an independent...

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Wanderlust Presents: Riitta Ikonen
Hello Riitta Ikonen,
The translation of photography, as well as its aesthetic potential, is forever evolving. Redefined in new practices and concepts, the threshold of photographic ideology has expanded to reveal fresh new curiosities. In short, photography wears many hats as does visual artist Riitta Ikonen.
From the eastern forests of Finland, Riitta Ikonen’s work is concerned with the...
March 2012
21 posts

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Mr. Lester B. Morrison
In House of Coates, writer Brad Zellar provides insight into writer, artist and yeti, Lester B. Morrison, by exploring a single episode in Morrison life.
Lester B. Morrison, is best know for his publications through Little Brown Mushroom such as Broken Manual, an underground instruction manual for men looking to escape their lives. Morrison is credited with creating Broken Manual in collaboration...

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Happenings: The Crystal Chain at INVISIBLE-EXPORTS
The Crystal Chain, an exhibition curated by Matthew Porter and Hannah Whitaker, will be opening at INVISIBLE-EXPORTS today with a reception from 6 to 8pm. This lovely group exhibition is running in conjunction with Porter’s and Whitaker’s edit of the upcoming issue of Blind Spot, which will be on the stands in May. Described by the curators as “summits of...

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Happenings: Victoria Burge at Accola Griefen...
Victoria Burge’s New Work on Paper is currently on view at Accola Griefen Gallery, but only until Saturday, so mark it down on your gallery stops this week! Her pieces beg to be viewed first hand. The installation photographs, and my forthcoming notes, could never give the visual and tactile pleasure it allows in person.
I was delighted to find opportunity to drop into the Accola...

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Wanderlust Presents: Brendan George Ko
Each week, Aubrey Hays scours the globe in search of photographers who challenge and embrace visual language in new ways. Her posts feature those hidden gems of photography from near, far, here, and there, and push us to think, question, and wander farther.
Hello Brendan George Ko,
I am totally smitten with Brendan Georg Ko. I’m also pretty sure he is, in fact, a ghost. When I discovered...

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Huang Jingyuan's The Confucius City and its Museum
I recently discovered The Confucius City and its Museum, a wonderful guide to a fictitisious museum in China, akin to the publications released by the Museum of Jurassic Technology. This publication, which includes a message from the Director of The People’s Museum of Contemporary Art in Confucius City, as well an introduction to Confucius City and The Museum’s collection, was written by Huang...

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Interview with Adam Ryder
In his new work Orbis Tertius, Adam Ryder presents a series of composite images claiming to be archival documentary photographs of architecture in and around the Holy Land during the tumultuous 1920’s.
This series is titled Orbis Tertius after the Borges story Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius. How did the story inspire these photographs? In Borges’ short story, “Orbis Tertius” is the name of an...

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Wanderlust Presents: Jason Gowans
Each week, Aubrey Hays will scour the globe in search of photographers who challenge and embrace visual language in new ways. Her posts will feature those hidden gems of photography from near, far, here, and there, and push us to think, question, and wander farther. Welcome to Wanderlust!
Hello Jason Gowans,
Falling down the rabbit hole of my ever-expanding blog bookmarks, I somehow stumbled upon...

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Tracings of Light: Sir John Herschel & The Camera...
Tracings of Light: Sir John Herschel & The Camera Lucida by Larry J. Schaaf, combines 300 of Herschel’s drawings, produced from 1809-1865 throughout the British Isles, with his biographical information, that of his contemporaries, and their roles in the invention of photography.
Schaaf, Larry J, Graham Nash, and Graham Howe.Tracings of Light: Sir John Herschel & the Camera Lucida :...